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“We had individuals the previous evening,” says the originator and supervisor of a spot, presently special in France: a “house of ill-repute” of sex dolls. The name: Xdolls. This space of 70 m2 “of joy” – at the location held mystery – opened its entryways on February 1, in the fourteenth arrondissement of Paris. Quelled environment, banners of silicone posterior, pruned plants and frozen dolls … 20 Minutes went around the owner.

“Titillate the spirit”

Dolls of delight, dolls without sound. They are called Kim, Sofia and Lily. Each in their room – or rather “play space”, says Joaquim Lousquy – , they are the delight of numerous clients, prepared to pay 89 euros for one hour and 120 euros in couples. Each doll has its style, its estimations. “Kim – Latin – 1m53 – 38 kilos. Earthy colored green-peered toward, I have meaty lips, and structures very … very … liberal, “peruses on the site, which permits to save a space with the doll. This idea, which is extremely popular in Japan, has grown a half year prior in the psyche of this business person, more energetic about “new innovations than ass”.

What sorts of profiles do these men have?

“I ran over a press article that stimulated my brain,” clarifies Joaquim Lousquy, an electronic cigarette in his grasp, his past business. After a visit to Spain and Germany – where these foundations as of now exist – the 28-year-old chose to set up the idea in France.

After “galleys” of banks and protection, the venture at long last sees the day. “Everything is a little confounded around here however we figured out how to accomplish something square, spotless and lawful. On this last point, Joaquim Lousquy is clear. “We lease buy sex doll toys. Not any more no less. We’re discussing a skeleton of metal, with silicone on top, “he cut. An augmented simulation alternative to submerge yourself significantly more, is likewise sex doll for sell proposed. For which clientele?

Wearing the hood

I was hoping to get disagreeable, vicious, bizarre, unreasonable, twisted individuals. Yet, not in the least, I get individuals well indeed, somewhere in the range of 30 and 50 years, CSP who need to find another training, another sexual experience, “he clarifies. Couples likewise come to Xdolls. Joaquim invites everybody, from the age of 18 and when individuals regard the guidelines. Next to the beds, the hardware is painstakingly adjusted: Overcoats (required port), ointment, sextoy and paper towels. Here, we don’t snicker with cleanliness. Joaquim needs the house to be perfect and the visitors feel good.

Between every entry, the doll is cleaned (actually like “the play space”) with an exact convention. First with cleanser, at that point with sanitizers, all around. At that point, it is splashed with another bactericidal and fungicidal arrangement. At last, she talcates, arranged and prepared for another use.

“It is likely that we are bothered”

In the coming months, male dolls will show up in Xdolls play spaces. Joaquim has confidence in the area. It will open six different foundations of this sort in France. Particularly in Brittany, in Savoie, in the South and the North. “We will square France,” he says among provocative and clarity. “I don’t have a clue what’s in store, yet all things considered, we are troubled: maybe an assault of police to control, an objection from the municipal center and affiliations. It’s the game, he grins and you need it for everybody. “

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